Telerad Medical Systems Ltd.

Telerad Medical Systems Ltd.

                              A Trusted Medical Solution


High Performance Imaging System

★ Retina Solid State Detector technology to ensure high image quality.
★ Ultrafast Scintillator Technology and Application Optimized Algorithm to enhance image details.
★ Integrated AntiScatter Grid (ASG) and A/D technology (ASIC) to maximize SNR.

Better and Pleasant User Experience

★ Long-term image quality achieved by innovative calibration algorithms.
★ Efficient design of the gantry to achieve structural stability under high G-Load.
★ Optimized air flow to guarantee long thermal stability for wide range of ambient temperature.


64 Slice CT Scanner


High Performance Imaging System

★ 64/128-slice system with Z-flying focal spot to enable sub 0.33 mm spatial resolution.

★ 256 channels A/D ASIC with very low electronic noise mode for cardiac applications.

★ Antiscatter (2D optional) grid integrated in Detector modules with high accuracy and alignment precision.

Better and Pleasant User Experience

★ 40 mm coverage with 64 and 128 slices modes configurable by Protocol and User.

★ High stability response enabling a lower need for calibrations.

★ Simplified User Interface and image Viewer.


CT 256 / 512 Slice CT Scanner

256 / 512 slices CT Scanner Imaging System

★ The Widest 16cm Spherical Detector.
★ Intelligent Milisecond Whole Cardiac Scanning.
★ The Fastest Speed 0.25s/Rotation.

Electromagnetic Direct Drive System

★ Nano Dose Imaging.
★ Efficient design of the gantry to achieve structural stability under high G-Load.
★ 80cm Gantry Diameter.